I put a lot of thought for the subject of my second post, but it was all for naught. The days after the holidays have a nasty habit of leaving me a little... lost. Talking with friends and family I quickly realized that I wasn't the only one. It didn't take long to figure out why was that.
The passing of New Year's day leaves you with a boatload of resolutions but no real way to achieve them. The promises you made to yourself under the influence of the champagne, the joyous music and the companion of dear friends seemed easy at the time. But now, ten days into the new year, the task of keeping them is revealed in its full glory. They don't call them resolutions for nothing, if they were easy we all we'd have done them by now. Unfortunately they are not.
To achieve a goal you need a lot of things, determination, a plan, a way to overcome the inevitable obstacles. All the while the real life is now caught up with you. Job, family, obligations we put off for 'after the holidays' are present and demanding your attention. There are always things to be done, things to be dealt with. That is why we need to be armed with, maybe, the most important goal-achieving-tool, a support system. Thinking back to all of my resolutions -failed or achieved- I find this is the most underrated and underused ingredient.
As a stubbornly independent girl, I find it very hard to admit that I need help and let me tell you I am not the only one. For many people asking for help seems like a character flaw, like a weakness.
I couldn't help but wonder why, if we are lucky enough to have a helping hand, we aren't smart enough to use it? Is independence really worth it? And if not, how can we mute that proud full voice in our heads that holds us back?
After thinking about it, I decided that it was also a matter of trust. Trusting that the hand which is extended to help you won't let go suddenly, leaving you crushing down.
Realizing that the acceptance of help is much more deep rooted than pride instead of complicating things, actually cleared them up. Because now I understand that the most important person to trust is yourself. To trust that you have surrounded yourself with people who are willing to help and who won't let go if things get hard. Of course the only way to have those kind of people around you is to be one of them.
For those who wonder about it, this task is as difficult as it's sounds but let me tell you, there is no better feeling than having achieved a goal and having a great person -or if you are really lucky, several- at your side. Besides what is a great view if you don't have someone to admire it with you?
The passing of New Year's day leaves you with a boatload of resolutions but no real way to achieve them. The promises you made to yourself under the influence of the champagne, the joyous music and the companion of dear friends seemed easy at the time. But now, ten days into the new year, the task of keeping them is revealed in its full glory. They don't call them resolutions for nothing, if they were easy we all we'd have done them by now. Unfortunately they are not.
To achieve a goal you need a lot of things, determination, a plan, a way to overcome the inevitable obstacles. All the while the real life is now caught up with you. Job, family, obligations we put off for 'after the holidays' are present and demanding your attention. There are always things to be done, things to be dealt with. That is why we need to be armed with, maybe, the most important goal-achieving-tool, a support system. Thinking back to all of my resolutions -failed or achieved- I find this is the most underrated and underused ingredient.
As a stubbornly independent girl, I find it very hard to admit that I need help and let me tell you I am not the only one. For many people asking for help seems like a character flaw, like a weakness.
I couldn't help but wonder why, if we are lucky enough to have a helping hand, we aren't smart enough to use it? Is independence really worth it? And if not, how can we mute that proud full voice in our heads that holds us back?
After thinking about it, I decided that it was also a matter of trust. Trusting that the hand which is extended to help you won't let go suddenly, leaving you crushing down.
Realizing that the acceptance of help is much more deep rooted than pride instead of complicating things, actually cleared them up. Because now I understand that the most important person to trust is yourself. To trust that you have surrounded yourself with people who are willing to help and who won't let go if things get hard. Of course the only way to have those kind of people around you is to be one of them.
For those who wonder about it, this task is as difficult as it's sounds but let me tell you, there is no better feeling than having achieved a goal and having a great person -or if you are really lucky, several- at your side. Besides what is a great view if you don't have someone to admire it with you?
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