Σάββατο 6 Ιανουαρίου 2018

 I have always wanted to have a blog, I would see at the social media all the successful bloggers, living a fabulous life and writing about it and i wanted to be one of them. So I did what I always do when I try to familiarize myself with a subject. I researched it.
 Again and again.
 I learnt all the must-haves for a successful blog - a witty name, a niche, a target audience- and I was utterly lost . I didn't have any of it. But i did -correction- I do have something. Passion.
 The problem was I am passionate about so many things, I couldn't possibly pick only one of them to blog about.
 All the experts I read were very specific on the matter. Find ONE thing that you love -your niche- and focus on that. What could it be for me? Books? Travels? Theater? Fashion? I just couldn't decide.
I am not gonna lie, a few years past before this day, the day of my first blog post.
 Finally I decided to turn to my oldest passion of all, writing.
 So this is me... Writing about all the things I love .
 I am not a professional writer, I haven't taken any classes, I am not even sure I am any good at this, so the only thing remains is to let time and anyone who reads this to decide...


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