Δευτέρα 25 Μαΐου 2020

All the losses that we've gained

 The human brain is conditioned to accept loss. To compensate for the things that it cannot have or adapt to function without them. Inability to succeed at either leads to insanity. I guess it’s why they’re saying ‘From all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most’.

 With all the recent turmoil I had the time to ponder about all that are gone, and celebrate not only all that I still have but also the new ones that arrived.

 I feel that I don’t need to go into specifics.
 I have not suffered a devastating loss.
 I was not given an extraordinary present.

 In my pensive state and while social distancing, my mind wandered all the way from mourning, to acceptance and eventually eagerness for those yet to happen. Because with the world turned upside down, I need to believe that when life takes something with one hand, gives back with the other.

 If not, then what is the point?
