Τετάρτη 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

 I will cut right to the chase. I don't believe in Valentine's day. Not in an angry feminist way, not even in a bitter single girl way, but in a very romantic i-want-to-express-my-love-every-day-of-the-year way. The notion that we have to have a specific day to remind ourselves to appreciate the love we have in our lives is confusing to me. I believe that when you are lucky enough to have someone who wants you in their lives in every way, from a simple like having you around to a cherished kind of love, should be enough motivation to appreciate them every day. I understand that being in a relationship is not always easy, it is not all love songs and kisses under  the stars. In fact being in a relationship is very hard. There are two people with different opinions, or ways to see the world that somehow found each other and now are together. And in order to stay together they have to have all kinds of compromises, they have to put their egos aside and work to make their  relationship good. And exactly in that point is where my dislike of Valentine's day appear.
 You show up, you find someone, you do all the necessary  stuff to stay together and then you actually need a specific day to remind you to show your love? In the midst of life, is it so difficult to take a moment and appreciate what you have? Every couple should have its own day -or better days- to celebrate their relationship. The day of your first kiss, your first date, even the date of your worst argument to remind you that you survived it and you will survive all the others who will inevitably come. Because to find someone, in this crazy world, who will make their hug feel like home, who will kiss away your tears, who will support you in every way they can, is nothing short of a blessing.  So say it every damn day "I love you". Even after a fight, even after a long day at work or after a night that couldn't be better.
 Say it.
 Show it.
 Feel it. 
"I love you". And trust your partner to do the same. 
 The magical thing about being in love is that it steals away the meaning of other words "be careful", "have a good day" are phrases that mean the exact same thing. 
 My personal favorite is right before I close my eyes in your hug, "sweet dreams". It's my last "I love you" for the day. "Have a nice day to work" is my first.
 But I should have told you from the start, I am a romantic that way.
